Dominion Care ABA Therapy Center Helped Young Nonverbal Child Communicate Successfully with Family
One of our first students at the Dominion Care ABA Therapy Center came to us without any ability to communicate what he wanted or needed. His parents did their best to interpret his cries, whines, or aggressive tantrums and to keep up with him as he was pulling them through the house toward something he wanted. Understandably, this was frustrating for both parents and child.
As we met with his family and began looking at his strengths, it was determined that sign language would be the best fit to begin teaching him how to communicate effectively. After several months of hard work, this little guy not only is able to sign for what he wants and needs, but he has made the connection between verbal communication and his signs, and is now beginning to vocalize them as well.
The intensity of ABA therapy was something that this family, like most families, struggled with at first. However, after seeing the constant reinforcement and playful techniques, they were willing to give it a try. Fast forward several months and not only can their child now share his basic needs and wants at the therapy center, but the in-home portion of the service has helped him bring those skills to his home. These services also provided his family with the means to support and strengthen these skills.
We currently have openings for up to four children at the therapy center. Let us help your child reach their potential, along with strengthening and supporting your interactions with them at home.
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